Where do you live? Where do you teach? 

I live and teach in Zurich and around but about to leave soon so if you have an offer hit me up😜


When and why did you start capoeira?

I started capoeira at 2005


Why do you teach Capoeira?

I started capoeira when I was 9 years old and it somehow saved me. Capoeira gave me a place to express who I was with no need to be ashamed and it was a very unique feeling that I wish to give on to others. That is also the reason why my main teaching is kids but I’m slowly as growing up myself learning how to bring that feeling to adults as well.


Favorite move 

Au de coluna


Favorite capoeira song



Your best Song in the Roda  (when you sing) 

Xu xu mão sabia


Your idol 

My teacher Mestre Joe for sure. He is the one that made me fall in love with Capoeira and showed me during the years how does Capoeira keep going with me but changes and develop as I do.


What fascinates you about Capoeira?

How we can all train the same things but in the end, in the Roda, we are all so unique and different. As I don’t do Capoeira as my teacher does and my students as well do not move like me.


Your motivation for training, what motivates you?

The excitement of not knowing how my partner will react. 

Every time I train something new and bring it into the Roda I feel that it changes the dynamics also if I have been training with the same partner for a long time and not knowing how will the game develops from there is always exciting and pushing forward because I want to be prepared for he’s or her reaction with out knowing what will it be